Thank you very much!
Dear Cureconnectors.
First, I continue to call you Cureconnectors if that’s OK. To me everybody who was a member and involved with CURECONNECTIONS will always remain connected. I am sure that the majority of you feels the same.
Two things tonight. First, I need to tell you how it felt to shut down CCC forever. And second, I simply have to send a sign of life and say thank you very much.
Last Thursday I shut down the CURECONNECTIONS network. March 14 2013 was the most difficult date and night for me since I started CURECONNECTIONS. Because here most of it ended (most of it…? That legacy will never die!!). When I started to backup everything and then, when I started to move the domain and close and delete the first things, and especially when I logged off my admin panel and the forum for the last time I thought „what the FUCK am I doing here????“! But the time had come. Again, please forgive me that analogy. But to me it really felt like switching off the life-sustaining machines of someone I loved too much to let go forever… Well. I had a lot of discussion about all that in the past couple of days and although many people claim to understand how I feel I have to respectfully tell you, nobody understands how I felt before and during that night. And now. But I have to go through all this.
The good part (as you know I truly believe that there is something positive in everything!). I received hundreds of emails and private messages, and I read ALL the posts in the various threads you started. Only by reading all this I understood how great and important CURECONNECTIONS had become. What you guys wrote to me and what you posted was just overwhelming. Even on other forums and websites! There are NO words to describe the impact on me. Pain, sadness, guilt, yes. But now I really deeply know that not one single second or Cent I invested into CURECONNECTIONS was a wasted one. It was all worth it! I simply couldn’t reply to all of you anymore. It was suddenly way too much (I will however try continue to reply to you). Nevertheless I want you to know that every single one of you reached me and touched my heart. I will carry that with me for the rest of my life. THANK YOU ETERNALLY!
I don’t know if you have seen CURECONNECTIONS since the forum is down. Maybe I will change that soon and add all your posts etc. to a new sub page, to keep your legacy for everybody…
Allow me to comment on one post in one of the Goodbye threads. One member accused me of being selfish by ending CURECONNECTIONS although there were people who were willing to take it over. I think I am not in need to comment on the accusation of being selfish! However, I want to let everybody know that what this member wrote was not true. There was and is nobody who could take over CURECONNECTIONS, even if I would have wanted that (and I pointed out my reasons why I didn’t want that at all). As you know I am an hobbyist, amateur with websites. I am not a webdesigner or programmer or server admin or anything like that. I just learned a lot over the years. All by myself, nobody ever taught me anything. CURECONNECTIONS was a very complex website. Running on two servers, 14 databases and an extremely customized forum software. We used a Content Delivery System, lots of complicated anti spam measures, tons of hand made plugins and addons, a highly complex SEO software and I don’t know what else. Any guy with the required knowledge could run that after getting into it. But in and around CURECONNECTIONS there was and is nobody who could nearly do the job. No-one in the Crew or anywhere else. So I wonder who this guy was talking about and if you ever read this, feel free to contact me and tell me who you were actually talking about…
One last thing. Please do not unfollow or unfriend any of the CURECONNECTIONS profiles or channels (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google+ etc.). They will continue to exist, just won’t be updated so much anymore. But first, it doesn’t hurt you if you keep it as a memory. And second, you never know, maybe there will be the one or other message and option to communicate. I am not talking about a resurrection. It’s just that you never know…
I am not out of this world and I’d be happy to hear from you and see some of you here and then. My email address or are still working ;-).
That’s it for now. I might write a few more things here on CURECONNECTIONS soon (or send me your questions or things you always wanted to know). Maybe I will even write down the long awaited „biography“ one day ;-).
Thanks again to everybody. Just thanks!
Hi Ceho!
Thank you for ever and ever, for this wonderful time at Cureconnections and for all that you did. I tried to do something to save Cureconnections but it didn’t work.
See you very soon again. You are a legend!